Ultimate Guide of Youtube Monetization


YouTube has revolutionized the way we consume media, enabling creators to share their passions, knowledge, and creativity with a global audience. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, it’s no wonder that many content creators aspire to turn their hobby into a full-fledged career through YouTube monetization. In this article, we will delve into the process of monetizing a YouTube channel and explore the various revenue streams available to content creators.

Eligibility Requirements

Before you can start earning money on YouTube, you must meet certain eligibility requirements set by the platform.

a) Channel Membership: You need at least 30,000 subscribers to be eligible for the Channel Membership feature.

b) YouTube Partner Program (YPP): To join YPP, your channel must have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

c) AdSense Account: You must create an AdSense account to receive payments from YouTube.

Enabling Monetization

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

a) Go to your YouTube Studio and click on “Monetization” from the left-side menu.

b) Follow the instructions to accept the YouTube Partner Program terms.

c) Connect your YouTube channel to an AdSense account to receive payments.

d) Set up your preferred monetization methods, such as Ad revenue, Channel Memberships, Super Chats, and Merchandise Shelf.

Ad Revenue

Ad revenue is one of the primary ways content creators earn money on YouTube. The amount you earn per ad view depends on factors like the ad’s type, length, viewer demographics, and your audience engagement.

Channel Memberships

Channel Memberships allow your fans to pay a monthly fee (starting at $4.99) to become channel members. In return, they receive exclusive badges, emojis, and access to members-only content. This feature is available to channels with at least 30,000 subscribers.

Super Chats and Super Stickers

Super Chats and Super Stickers are features available during live streams. Viewers can purchase these special messages or animated stickers to get their comments highlighted in the chat, allowing creators to interact directly with their audience and earn extra revenue.

Merchandise Shelf

The Merchandise Shelf lets creators showcase their merchandise directly below their videos. By partnering with YouTube-approved merchandise providers, you can sell products like t-shirts, hats, and other items to your audience.

YouTube Premium Revenue

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service that removes ads for subscribers while providing them access to exclusive content.

CPM (Cost Per Mille) and RPM (Revenue Per Mille) are two essential metrics used in the advertising and monetization world, particularly in the context of digital advertising and content creators. Let’s explore the differences between CPM and RPM:

CPM (Cost Per Mille):

CPM stands for “Cost Per Mille” or “Cost Per Thousand.” It is a metric used by advertisers and ad networks to determine how much they are willing to pay for every one thousand ad impressions. An ad impression occurs each time an ad is displayed to a user, regardless of whether the user interacts with it or not. CPM is expressed in the currency of the advertiser’s choice (e.g., dollars, euros, etc.) and is used to calculate the total cost of an advertising campaign.
For example, if an advertiser is willing to pay $5 CPM, it means they will pay $5 for every one thousand times their ad is shown to users on a website or a YouTube video.

RPM (Revenue Per Mille):

RPM stands for “Revenue Per Mille” or “Revenue Per Thousand.” It is a metric used by content creators and publishers to calculate how much revenue they generate per one thousand ad impressions on their content. RPM includes the revenue generated from various sources, such as ads, channel memberships, merchandise sales, and more.
For example, if a YouTube channel has an RPM of $10, it means the channel earns $10 for every one thousand ad impressions and other revenue-generating activities combined.

Difference between CPM and RPM:

The main difference between CPM and RPM lies in their purpose and perspective:

CPM is from the advertiser’s perspective, and it represents how much an advertiser is willing to pay for ad impressions.

RPM is from the content creator’s perspective, and it represents how much revenue the creator earns for ad impressions and other monetization activities.

Relationship between CPM and RPM:

CPM and RPM are related, but they are not the same. A content creator’s RPM is influenced by various factors, including CPM, ad fill rate (the percentage of ad requests filled with ads), the number of ad impressions, and the overall revenue generated from other monetization methods like memberships and merchandise.

It’s essential for content creators to focus on increasing their RPM, as this directly impacts their earnings and the overall success of their monetization efforts.

In conclusion, CPM and RPM are critical metrics in the advertising and content monetization space. While CPM reflects advertiser costs per one thousand ad impressions, RPM represents the content creator’s revenue per one thousand ad impressions and other revenue streams. By understanding and optimizing both metrics, content creators can make informed decisions to maximize their earnings and grow their online presence.

The YouTube monetization process provides a fantastic opportunity for content creators to transform their passion for creating videos into a sustainable career. By meeting the eligibility requirements and following the guidelines, you can enable monetization and start earning revenue through various channels, including ads, channel memberships, merchandise, and more. Remember, consistency, creativity, and engaging content are the keys to building a successful YouTube channel that attracts a loyal audience and generates income for you. So, why wait? Start creating and monetizing your content on YouTube today!